
Spurring innovation at VISA

Executive Training
Service & Experience Design

Client : VISA

The challenge

Establishing a European innovation hub

When one of the world’s largest fintechs set up a European innovation hub, they tasked us with embedding design thinking tools and methodologies. 

The approach

Using design thinking to unlock collaborative innovation

We began with a three-day Design Sprint to induct their innovation leads into design thinking and help them design around the needs of the end customer. Over the next couple of months, we ran a series of customised workshops and courses – from training in Customer Closeness to a Board-level engagement workshop. We also developed a Playbook to codify VISA’s approach to fast, collaborative innovation. 

The impact

  • Bespoke tools created

    Training courses, methodologies and tools developed for VISA’s specific needs.

  • Whole team trained

    Innovation leads and ancillary teams received a combination of coaching and development.

  • Design thinking embedded

    VISA’s innovation hub now has the tools to design collaboratively and quickly around end users.

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drive innovation within
your business, we’d
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