
Coaching an innovative start-up to survive & thrive

Brand Strategy
Business Proposition
Executive Training

Client : Boskke

The challenge

Helping a sky planter business reach new heights

Design leader Boskke made its name with its award-winning Sky Planters, which save space by hanging plants upside down from the ceiling. When its founding partners needed to kickstart new business growth, they asked DK&A Managing Director David Kester for coaching in strategy development.

The approach

Overhauling the company strategy for an international move

As Boskke prepared to move from New Zealand to the UK, David worked with the founders – empowering them to review their strategy, processes and products. He also helped them set up an interim non-Exec Board and streamline their plans, structures and roles.

The impact

  • Leaders nurtured

    David gave the founders the confidence to act strategically and decisively.

  • Company relocated

    Boskke now headquartered at the Royal College of Art’s Innovation Centre.

  • New product system crystallised

    Innovative Spool range now available.

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