by David Kester — Sep 30, 2024
The Mayor’s Workforce Integration Network (WIN) Design Lab held its first symposium at City Hall in March. This included announcing the winners from the first ever round of the Lab’s Equity Projects in Progress Awards. A showcase for innovative new recruitment and retention programmes from the healthcare sector.
Those closely involved in delivering the Equity Projects in Progress Awards have got in the habit of referring to them as the ‘PIP Awards’. This is an apt name, for a scheme celebrating seeds of ideas, beginning to grow. The awards were conceived to share workforce integration innovations between Design Lab participants. To sow the seeds of ideas as broadly possible. The PIP awards may be modest but from small acorns mighty oaks can grow. As awards judge Paul Deemer puts it…
“The awards were great examples of “one small thing can make a big difference”. They were all very specific, even niche, case studies, which demonstrated how a small change in practice, system or policy can have a huge impact across a department”.
Paul Deemer, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, NHS Employers
Judges received 13 submissions from 9 healthcare organisations. Dara Douglas, Chair of our advisory panel and judging, commented on the bravery it took to enter. Most of us don’t like to share our work until we feel it is more polished but there is merit in being less self-conscious and sharing ideas with your peers early in a process. Or as Dara put it:
“Submitting work in progress for scrutiny requires a huge amount of bravery. It also shows just how much progress is possible, in a short period of time, when you have momentum and a shared goal you all care about.”
Dara Douglas, PwC Director and Business Experience Team Lead
Judges enjoyed receiving and debating the inspiring array of new and improved initiatives, now underway in the healthcare sector. Entries included innovative blends of career mentoring, senior sponsorship, community engagement, anti-racism and cultural competency training, to mention just a few themes. There was broad satisfaction that the Healthcare sector entries where achieving what the and they Design Lab set out to do.
“ As a judging panel, we were impressed with the quality of submissions for the Equity PIP awards. They genuinely took account of stakeholders, who were adversely impacted by previous recruitment approaches, working to co-create equitable new programmes with them.”
Dara Douglas, PwC Director and Business Experience Team Lead
Judge Paul Deemer was delighted with the degree of transferability he saw in the ideas generated by the Healthcare cohort of the Design Lab. Participants had made thoughtful changes to recruitment, retention and community outreach that were achievable but effective.
“The beauty, for me, is that this makes them easily transferable or replicable for other organisations, in a way that bigger, bolder plans and strategies often aren’t. I hope that future cohorts will benefit in the same way.”
Paul Deemer, Head of Diversity and Inclusion, NHS Employers
Judging was tough but amicable. After much deliberation, the panel were happy to announce that the winners were…
Next up will be a second Design Lab Symposium on Wednesday 17th July 2024 at City Hall showcasing all the work to date and awarding a fresh batch of winners among the entrants from the creative sector. There are discussions with CIPD and NHS Employers underway to share awards case studies more broadly. We are currently seeking entrants’ permission to be able to do this. Stay tuned for an edition of the case studies when they become available.
Discover DK&A’s other workforce projects beyond the Design Lab here.