by Max Adams — Jan 19, 2023
Explore how we create equality of opportunity through design and tap talent potential in a multicultural society
As part of the Good Morning Design series, Arup and DK&A present:
Wednesday 8 February 08.30 –10.00 GMT
Live in the auditorium at Arup, 80 Charlotte Street, W1T 4DF
Streaming Online
Event Information
Equity. The quality of fairness. From Rosa Parks to Malala Yousafzai, over centuries brave people have stood up for social equity and sparked change. Every day, on our projects, in our workplaces, with our colleagues, when we’re hiring, and when we are designing, we can shape a fairer society. But how do you see and seize the opportunities for social equity?
Find out from three activists working in different fields: the HR expert, the social entrepreneur, and the comedian. Each has turned their lived experiences into inspiring new realities. Join us as to discover what they have in common as they share their journeys.
This special inaugural event in the Good Morning Design Series marks the launch of the Mayor of London’s Design Lab 2023 on Workforce Integration. It will be:
Hosted by Kate Hall, Arup Board Director
Chaired by David Kester, Founder DK&A and Design Thinkers Academy London
About the Speakers
Poppy Jaman OBE is one of the leading voices in UK mental health. Her ground-breaking work has brought mental health first aiders to businesses across the UK, and she is CEO of the City Mental Health Alliance.
Ahir Shah is a leading stand-up comedian and satirist. He is an expert in using comedy to probe deep political and philosophical issues and has been featured on Have I got News For You, Live at the Apollo, Mock the Week, and The Mash Report.
Loraine Martins OBE is a global expert on diversity and inclusion. She was awarded an OBE for changing cultures and business outcomes as a leader in major infrastructure, including at the London 2012 Olympics and Network Rail.